The annual list of The World’s 50 Best Bars, sponsored by Perrier, will be unveiled as part of a virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, 5th November.

The announcement of The World’s 50 Best Bars 2020 list follows on from the work of the 50 Best for Recovery programme, which has raised $1.24m to date for the hospitality sector. The initiative included providing grants to 236 businesses from 53 countries as a direct result of fundraising efforts, which included the Bid for Recovery auction, the publication of the Home Comforts e-cookbook and the generous support of 50 Best’s partner brands. During extensive consultations with industry figures, its Academy Chairs, bar owners, bartenders and partners, the 50 Best organisation received widespread support for releasing a ranking that aims to bind the community even closer together and provide positive news for bars as they enter the next stage of recovery from the global pandemic. For 2020, 50 Best made a number of changes to its Academy structure, which now includes more than 540 anonymous industry experts who cast the votes to create the list of The World’s 50 Best Bars. The Academy is also 50/50 gender balanced, there are 20 Academy Chairs in 20 new geographic regions, and – for the first time – the voting process and results are independently adjudicated by Deloitte.

The online event on 5th November will be preluded by four special award announcements in the weeks running up to the ceremony:

-8th October – Michter’s Art of Hospitality. This award is voted for by all members of The World’s 50 Best Bars Academy, who are asked to name the bar where they received the single best hospitality experience during the voting period

-15th October – Campari One To Watch. This award is given to a rising-star bar on the 51-100 list that has the potential to break into the main list in coming years

-22nd October – Altos Bartenders’ Bartender. This award is voted for by the bartenders behind those bars on this year’s list, who are asked to name one peer who pushes the boundaries of what it means to be a great bartender

-29th October – The World’s 50 Best Bars 51-100 list. One week before the virtual awards ceremony, 50 Best will reveal those bars ranked from 51st to 100th in the world on its website and social media channels

On 5th November, the streamed ceremony will begin at 3pm UK time, culminating in the announcement of The World’s Best Bar, sponsored by Perrier.



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