One of the most important conferences of the world, the International Gastromasa Gastronomy Conference will take place in London, one of the significant destination centers of gastronomy. Gastromasa London that will be held at Olympia West with the theme ‘Inspiration’, will bring together distinguished names of the gastronomy world on May 28-29, 2024.


The International Gastromasa London Gastronomy Conference brings together the gastronomy world, and Gastromasa will be held in London, on May 28-29, 2024, at Olympia West.


‘Inspiration’ is the theme Gastromasa London Conference

Gastromasa continues its mission of building a bridge between world countries and gastronomy. This year, Gastromasa takes the pulse of latest gastronomy trends and trendy topics. Throughout Gastromasa London Conference, guests can meet renowed chefs, and they will listen to their stories at firsthand.


Inspiring chefs are at London

World famous chefs Ferran Adrià, Dabiz Muñoz, Ana Roš, Matt Abé, Eduard Xatruch, Diego Guerrero, Clare Smyth, Simon Rogan, Jeremy Chan, Jordi Roca, Antonio Bachour, Endo Kazutoshi, René Frank, Franco Pepe, Santiago Lastra, Joris Bijdendijk, Andrea Berton, Fredrik Berselius, Begoña Rodrigo, Mohamad Ørfali, Ago Perrone, Giorgio Bargiani, Matthias Ingelmann, Terry Kandylis and more will be among our conference speakers. In addition, gastronomy professionals, mixologists, opinion leaders and press will have the opportunity to take part in Gastromasa London.

Gökmen Sözen, founder of Sozen Group and Gastromasa, said: “I started my gastronomy journey 26 years ago. I established Sozen Group a large gastronomy event company in gastronomy sector, and it has became one of the most important players in the world. Gastromasa, as a Turkish brand, turn into a global brand by entering the world league. I can clearly say that it is the most important congress brand in the world. Leading chefs, investors, restaurant professionals and international media from many countries have closely followed Gastromasa for 10 years.”


Sözen continued, “London is the most important gastronomy center of the world for me. The reason why we organize Gastromasa in London is that all world cuisines are located in London. Hosting different categories of cuisines, London is the center of attraction of the world. Gastromasa has become a brand that has accepted in the world. There may be other countries to organize Gastromasa, but we would like to continue to organized in Gastromasa London. In the next years, we will see Gastromasa to grow in London with workshops, demos, tastings and exhibitors. I am really proud to see Gastromasa brand grow and realize one of my biggest dreams to come true in the international arena. I am confident that I will continue to realize this dream in different countries in the coming years.” Sözen adds, “We are also a leading company in promoting Türkiye to the world. We are a leading company to promote Türkiye and this will continue with great effort in coming years.”


Gökmen Sözen added to thank to international agencies, chefs, all restaurant professionals in London, as well as all the sponsors who supported Gastromasa London.


For free entry to the Gastromasa London Conference, you can registered to link:


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