Vienna will distribute € 40 million worth of voucher to strengthen the gastronomy industry after coronavirus quarantine.

Austria, whose first cases took place in late February, quickly decided to quarantine on March 16th, taking fast and decisive action against the virus. And now, as the country’s small businesses try to get back to normal, the government has devised an interesting way to encourage interest in eating again. To support the opening of cafes, restaurants and bars, the city of Vienna will give 950 thousand families vouchers between 25 and 50 euros, depending on the size of the household. “Yes, we can afford it,” President Micheal Ludwig said Wednesday. “Our much-praised Viennese gastronomic scene comprises 6,500 businesses, which in turn secure around 60,000 jobs in Vienna and generate a turnover of 1.4 billion euros.” Vouchers worth 50 euros for each household and 25 euros for single houses will be distributed by mail.



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