Mirazur’s book by Mauro Colagreco, the Executive Chef of Mirazur, which proved its success with 3 Michelin stars and first place in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants List in 2019, gives readers a true Mirazur experience.

Mauro Colagreco’s book Mirazur, the chef of the 3 Michelin-starred Mirazur, the world’s best restaurant, offers its readers food photos, recipes, the chef’s thoughts on his cuisine and an insider’s look at his favourite local markets. The sources of inspiration for Colagreco and his team are transferred to the reader through the eyes of the successful photographer Eduardo Torres. Eduardo Torres described his shots as to how he embodied the energy in Mirazur saying, “Working on this book was a challenge because what I had to capture wasn’t only the professionalism of everyone in the restaurant, but also the emotions and the love shared by the team.” Celebrity chef Colagreco said: “Today we launch the book and it’s such an important day for us, 12 years after opening the restaurant,” said Colagreco. Colagreco, “When we started working on it a few years ago, it was really hard to imagine it. I saw my first book as a haze. Today, reading it, what I see reflected in the book is the true experience of what Mirazur is,” said, noting that we can feel a true Mirazur in his book.

Colagreco’s cuisine, which Massimo Bottura calls “border cuisine” in the book’s preface, is inspired by the meeting of the borders of France and Italy in Menton and the meeting of its Argentine origins with natural Mediterranean products. Colagreco said, “It was really difficult at the beginning, because I opened a restaurant in a place I’d never been before and where I didn’t know anyone: no suppliers, no producers, no one. But today I understand that this was something great because I was completely free. Every day, I discovered something new, a new product or a new person who produced a fantastic ingredient in the mountains. I still wake up every day and I know I will discover something new” voicing his inspiration.



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