The Best Chef Awards announced that their annual event will be held on 21, 22 and 23 September in Rotterdam on the same date but will take place on digital media.

Given the current COVID-19 restrictions and to ensure safety, one of the world’s leading culinary platforms has decided to go back to its roots and offer TOP100 through an online show. Cristian Gadau, Creative Director of the Best Chef, said: “It is particularly important in this moment of great difficulty for the hospitality industry to keep going. Stopping would have meant giving up, and giving up is a negative message to the new generations who are the driving force behind this project. By doing this, we hope to provide a message of strength and positivity to the whole gastronomic world. However, we need to ensure the safety of all our guests. That’s why we decided that the # TOP100 and Awards will be presented in a new digital format. As can be expected from The Best Chef Awards, the event will be something extraordinary and will surprise everyone.”

According to the news on the Food and Wine Gazette, The Best Chef who won’t reveal the name of the restaurant of chefs, “In contrast to the 2019 list, the 2020 list will not name the restaurant associated with the chef, since when the list is announced, some chefs may have changed their place of work due to the closure of their restaurant or a transfer to another restaurant. Our decision has been made to help these chefs: excluding them from the list would have the negative effect of obscuring them and removing their visibility. The Best Chef is all about chefs and their personalities, knowledge, and what they represent as individuals” said.



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