The coronavirus outbreak continues to have negative effects all over the world. One of these countries is the UK. The UK, which has been much talked about with its decisions in the fight against coronavirus, is now suffering from coffee.

Another bad news for Britain, which has tried to import its coffee from Vietnam, Indonesia and Ethiopia but received negative responses, came from Colombia, which has been heavily affected by coronavirus and halted its production. Britain, which is known for its coffee drinkers, has been unable to get a positive response from countries where it demands coffee because of “labour shortages.”

The president of Colombia’s Coffee Growers Federation said there was a shortage of Arabica beans grown in South America, adding that Britain would take its share of ‘the famine’. The president of the Coffee Growers Federation also pointed out that stocks were melting as people turned to coffee buying before the coronavirus restriction and said: “One supplier sold 800 thousand bags of coffee beans this year. At the same time last year, that figure was 360.”

In some parts of Asia, the lifting of restrictions is putting more strain on production while suppliers are seeing a surge in demand as life begins to return to normal. The president of the Colombian Federation of Coffee Growers said there was ‘a shortage’ in Arabica beans grown in South America. It was also noted that the UK imported coffee beans from Vietnam, Indonesia and Ethiopia, but in small quantities.



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