Restaurant Frantzén from Stockholm, Sweden placed first on the launched list of Top 100 European Restaurant of Opinionated About Dining (OAD)

The organisation OAD, which determines the bests of the gastronomic world with published lists, has launched the list of top 100 European Restaurants. The restaurant which came first on the list of Top 100 European Restaurant is Restaurant Frantzén from successful chef Björn Frantzén. The 2nd place went to Chef Rasmus Munk’s Alchemist restaurant from Denmark. Schloss Schauenstein, chef Andreas Caminada’s restaurant from Switzerland, placed 3rd.

  1. Restaurant Frantzén-Björn Frantzén (Sweden)
  2. The Alchemist-Rasmus Munk (Denmark)
  3. Schloss Schauenstein-Andreas Caminada (Switzerland)
  4. Lido 84-Riccardo Camanini (Italy)
  5. Etxebarri-Victor Arguinzoniz (Spain)
  6. Noma 2.0-Rene Redzepi (Denmark)
  7. Daniel Berlin-Daniel Berlin (Sweden)
  8. Victor’s Fine Dining by Christian Bau-Christian Bau (Germany)
  9. De Librije-Jonnie Boer (Netherlands)
  10. Ernst-Dylan Watson-Brawn (Germany)


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