Michelin-starred chef Karen Torosyan plans to continue with Casse-Croûte, which he opened during the quarantine period, after the opening of the restaurants.

With the closure of Michelin-starred Restaurant Bozar during the quarantine period, his new venture, Casse-Croute, had begun offering some of his signature dishes to its guests in takeaway form. With the reopening of the restaurants, the famous chef Torosyan, who stated that he was quite happy with the reactions he received from his new venture through this quarantine process, will continue his service with Restaurant Bozar by keeping Casse-Croûte open.

Karen Torosyan told Food and Wine Gazette. “Casse-croûte was born out of the crisis and I’ve been working on it for three months. The response from customers was way beyond my expecations and many have asked me to continue with it. Some want it as a aperitif or as a first course, others maybe for an office lunch or party. I want to continue this as a separate initiative from Bozar Restaurant because it has given me a lot of experience during the months of lockdown and it has also enabled me to create something new.”



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