Italian aircraft interior manufacturing company Aviointeriors showed their designs that met social distance requirements.

The aviation sector, one of the most affected sectors by coronavirus, is undergoing a difficult process due to restrictions. There will be many doubts about social distance in people’s minds when it comes time to travel again. Italian aircraft interior manufacturing company Aviointeriors shared their new design online, which they will unveil at the Aircraft Interiors Expo, which was due to take place in Hamburg this year but was cancelled due to the outbreak. One of the new concepts in their designs is ‘Janus’. According to Janus designs, the center seat is turned around the face the rear of the aircraft and will provide maximum isolation with a transparent shield surrounding the seat. Their other design, called’ Glasssafe’, will minimise contact between passengers with a transparent bubble that can be attached into each seat. The Glasssafe application needs to be approved by the government and regulators before it can start in the cabin. Avioninteriors, who patented both designs, stated that they were ready for production.



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