The number of coronavirus cases in Switzerland is breaking record after record. Measures taken every day in different cantons and will be immediately effective brought businesses to the brink of bankruptcy.

The Federal Office of Health (BAG) announced the number of coronavirus cases in Switzerland in the last 24 hours as 9,207. The total number of cases in the country increased to 154,251. The number of cases, which broke record after record in recent weeks, brought new measures in the country. In addition to the Federal Government, restrictions were imposed in many Cantons. In some Cantons, it decided to close restaurants, cafes and bars in most of them with a limited restriction. Restaurant owners said: “We took precautions after the first wave and reopened our businesses. We were trying to recover. We are drifting into bankruptcy.” A research firm pointed out that hundreds of cafes, bars and restaurants in the service sector could go bankrupt.



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