The Electric Bing Sutt, 46th on The World’s 50 Best Bars list, was completely destroyed in the huge explosion in Beirut.

As bars and restaurants around the world grapple with the economic effects of COVID-19, another bad news came from Beirut. Electric Bing Sutt, which is in the 46th place in The World’s 50 Best Bars list, was within the impact area of ​​the tragic explosion that affected many businesses and people in Beirut. Unfortunately, the bar is completely gone but the whole team is healthy and safe. Nico de Soto and Dinos Constantinides, friends of Jad Ballout, co-owner of the bar, are gathering support and help for the rebuilding of Electric Bing Sutt through their Go Fund Me campaign. Soto and Constantinides said: “Lebanon is facing a uniquely harsh situation, and Jad, although he has proven he has all it takes to succeed, under the circumstances he just can’t, not there, not right now. We are asking for the global bar industry, our extended family, to support our cause and help raise 60k so that our brother can start over. We know that he feels our arms ready to catch him, and help him up again.”



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