Chef José Andres and his non-profit organisation World Central Kitchen will be the subject of a documentary by Oscar-winner Roan Howard and producer Brian Gazer.

In addition to his successful chef career, José Andres continues his active life with the World Center Kitchen, which he founded to help people in difficult times. José Andres, whose name has been highly mentioned with his help during the coronavirus period, will be the subject of the Nat Geo documentary. The documentary will be shot by Oscar-winner Ron Howard and producer Brian Gazer. Howard met Andres while filming the Rebuilding Paradise about a town in California which was devastated by the 2018 camp wildfires. The World Center Kitchen provided food support to people as one of the first responders in this massive fire that left people homeless. “I was amazed to see the immediate impact that José and the World Central Kitchen team had,” Howard told Deadline. “And now, following him as he helps those most in need during this pandemic, I realized that the work he’s doing around the world is one of the most critical and oftentimes overlooked necessities in disaster relief.” It is not certain whether Andres work done by the organisation during the current coronavirus crisis will feature in the upcoming documentary but certainly, the subject of food security will be included in the documentary.



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