Michelin-starred restaurant Entente, led by chef Brian Fisher, will not reopen on the River North. The restaurant has remained closed since the start of the pandemic. Oliver and Nicolas Poilevey, whose parents founded the iconic Chicago French restaurants La Sardine and Le Bouchon, are preparing to make a fresh start with their new venture Obélix.

“I grew up in Chicago, opened a Mexican restaurant, so that has an impact,” Poilevey said. “I love southeast Asian food, so there will be influences. I wouldn’t call it French fusion, only French food will be served through the lens of someone who grew up here.” Poilevey likens what he tries to do with his menu to music with artists inspired by musicians from different genres. He talks about how North African cuisine influenced the Parisian dining scene and compares it to how Mexican culture influenced American cuisine. The new restaurant is expected to open in mid-January 2022.



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