50 Best, the organiser of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, raised $1.23 million in donations through an auction to support the hospitality industry.

More than $1.23 million has been raised for the Recovery Fund with special events offered by prominent figures in the industry from all over the world and in collaboration with co-founder S.Pellegrino, Acqua Panna, Perrier and other brand partners. By donating $ 18,783 for one day with Mirazur’s chef and owner Mauro Colagreco, the event achieved the biggest donation in the auction among the chefs. A donation of $ 12,143 was made for a day with Zaiyu Hasegawa at Den, $ 8,372 for Clare Smyth at Core and $ 8,643 for a day with Dan Barber at Blue Hill at Stone Barns. $12,532 was donated to spend two days with Massimo Bottura and fine art expert Lara Gilmore by visiting couple’s art collections in their properties in the region and for a dining experience at Osteria Francescana and $ 8,381 for a red carpet experience at the Cannes Film Festival with Rémy Martin.

Donations from the auction and e-cookbook Home Comforts will be used to $5,000 direct support to restaurants and bars that applied, directing to the nonprofit organisations and distribute 1 million meals to people in need through the International Social Gastronomy Movement.



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