Celebrity chef Yotam Ottolenghi has called for the government to delay rents because the industry has difficulty to pay rent.

Famous chef Yotam Ottolenghi has warned that the restaurant industry will suffer major damage if the government does not allow businesses to delay rent payments by taking urgent action. Ottolenghi, chef, writer and 6 restaurants owner, noted that one of the biggest problems businesses had during the quarantine was rent and that property owners were threatening to sue the restaurateurs. Writing in the Guardian, the successful chef called for a 6-month debt reprieve. Ottolenghi said ministers should make a “national time-out” to help restaurants by November. Celebrity chef said, “We can’t continue to pay rent when we are banned from opening. Government intervention is vital for our survival.” A cash-weight sector will have hard times not only because of quarantine but also because of social distance rules, Ottolenghi adding that businesses have no income and the state should take measures about this situation.



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