Restaurants in China have begun to reopen slowly but cautiously following the coronavirus outbreak.

With the advent of pneumonia-like cases in Wuhan, China, in the last days of 2019, the new type COVID-19 has taken effect all over the world. China, which has been closely followed by countries since it was the first place it came out, slowly and carefully began to return to its daily life. The end of quarantine in Wuhan City on the 8th of April and the return of lights in other cities in the country was promising for other countries. In major cities such as Beijing, customers prefer to measure their fever and table distance more than usual and wearing masks when they are not eating or drinking while sitting in restaurants. Almost all of the restaurants in the city of Chengdu, where they visited in February, have reopened with strict hygiene rules, according to Tanner Brown article on Barron’s news site. Some decisions made by the Chinese government about reopening restaurants have accelerated this process. First, the debts of small and medium-sized businesses were extended, indicating they did not have enough cash on hand. The second is to send tax experts to restaurants to help address deductions and make greater use of taxation policies in general, not just tax cuts. In this way, business owners were able to reduce their taxes and benefit from the rebates, reviving the cash they had. Harvest Day, one of the best-known restaurants in Shanghai, reopened the restaurant on March 1, and in early April it took advantage of the bill exemption, a nearly three-fold increase compared to the same period in March. Third, it allowed other cities besides Shanghai, Beijing and a few other cities to open restaurants as well. Restaurateurs expected to open their restaurants in May or June but they were able to open in early April. The most unusual approach was for the government to invest large amounts of money in discount vouchers. For example, it was announced on 5 April by the government that 20 million yuan ($2.8 million) worth of electronic vouchers would be provided to the poorer Jiangxi province. Users can show the voucher from their phone to get a discount by accessing the voucher through a simple phone app.



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